Private MPV Taxi Transport traveling between Singapore to Johor Bahru transport JB to Singapore.
Best and Lowest price for Singapore Sg Genting MPV Transport
Comfort and Luxury MPV Taxi Transport SG to JB, SG to Malaysia 2022 Hyundai Starex available.
Most of our MPV fleets has been renewed to 2022 Starex / 2023 Staria / Alphard. Enquire Mini Van to Cameron, MPV to Genting Highland, MPV to Ipoh, Van to Penang and KLIA Transfer.
MPV Taxi Transport Services
- Taxi Transport From Singapore to JB (Legoland, KSL, City Square, Larkin, Senai Airport, Puteri Harbour)
- Full Day Trip 2/3 days Transport
- Corporate Travelling Alphard Vellfire MPV
MPV Taxi Booking +6012-33 59503 
Whatsapp Booking or Email Booking Book@mpv2u.com
Singapore Transport
MPV Taxi Singapore to Johor Bahru City
MPV Taxi Singapore to Legoland
MPV Taxi Singapore to Melaka
MPV Taxi Singapore to Kuala Lumpur KL
MPV Taxi Singapore to Genting Highland
MPV Taxi Singapore to Cameron Highland
MPV Taxi Singapore to Port Dickson
MPV Taxi Singapore to Desaru, Johor
MPV Taxi Singapore to Mersing, Johor
Kuala Lumpur KL Transport
MPV Taxi KL to Genting Highland
MPV Taxi KL to Cameron Highland
MPV Taxi KL to Ipoh
MPV Taxi KL Day Trip Tour
MPV Taxi Cameron Highland Day Trip
We Offer 5 Types of SG-JB MPV Fleets and Mini Van & Bus
- Toyota Innova : 4 Passenger, 1 Big Luggage, 3 Hand Carry
- Toyota Alphard / Toyota Estima : 5 Passenger, 3 Big Luggage, 4 Hand Carry
- Hyundai Starex : 7-10 Passenger, 2 Big Luggage, 4 Hand Carry

SG – JB MPV Transport Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I make payment to MPV2U MPV Taxi Transport ?
Pay via Bank Transfer (PayNow) DBS Bank Singapore upon boarding in SGD or Cash. Account Information will be provided in booking details.
2. Is there other charges as per advertised for MPV Taxi Transport?
All fares includes Petrol, tolls and driver’s fee. No need for tipping.
Unless the prior booking destination is not as per expected location, additional fee may be imposed
3. Booking Cancellations or Reschedule MPV Taxi Transport
You can make travel changes 24 hours before the scheduled date. However, the acceptance of the revision will still depend on the availability of the MPV Taxi.
Singapore to JB Legoland, KSL, City Square, Larkin, Senai Airport
MPV2U Taxi SG JB Corporate Clients

Corporate Client – MPV Transport Alphard Starex JB Full Day Trip